Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What's with this Tag shit?

no offence....BUT LEAVE ME OUT OF TAGS!!!!

Tagged by hweeling and astin....coincidentally the same tag. Lmao....

1. Tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag 8 other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.Points about the special 'person'

Ok so here we go....

-She has to make me laugh
duh...i mean, who would want a mundane or emo relationship. Laugh la....

-She must NOT be taller than me.
hehe....chances of her being taller than me? <0

-Er...i guess she has to respect my privacy?
Yea....some skeletons are best left in the bloody closet.

-Doesn't complain when i refuse a date.
gosh...i'm asking a lot ain't i?

-Ignores the fact that i'm FAT

-Has to be understanding....
as in....you know, a lot of things. She has to understand i'm a weirdo. Understand that i like stuff people usually won't like. Understand that i'm a harmless flirt. Understand that no one would want to flirt with ME. Understand that if i meet the right girl...i'll stick by her.

-Knows when i'm in the 'mood'
keke....you know la....we get manja sometimes don't we? But KATA TAK NAK at the right time.

-LASTLY, do not ever,ever cheat on me.
swear to God, if i catch her playing me.....i'll....i'll.....eh....what'll i do?

Gao dim. But must i really tag others? Aiya.....this tag lots of people kena la....TAG EVERYONE!

A bit of post bout today. I love chess. Chess is Love. God, am i addicted to chess.
Failed 3 subjects. The classic three: Add Maths, Bio and History.
Yamcha with sonia today, she is really one of the few buddies i have that i can talk openly with. Hearts to you bitch.

I have nothing to do. Life is a bore. Someone entertain me.

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