Thursday, November 29, 2007

Procrastination has met it's nemesis....

FINALLY! after reading sonia's post on her trip to Italy, i decided it was time to share my trip to beijing too. These pictures were taken using my trusty w610. These are only a small portion of the pictures, the rest of em i'll upload in Facebook or Friendster.

Very well....let the pictures do some talking....

Landed in Beijing Airport....this is the imigration counter. The people there take security seriously....but i was body searched by a quite nice looking chinese what the heck.

these are famous Beijing 'Sui Ziao' or dumplings la....taste quite good you know.

This is muh BROWN hoodie.......was taking a rest in Starbucks.....

If you ever have the chance to go Beijing, you must come to this place to makan, 'Dong Lai Shun' , famous for it's.....

....well....not exactly steamboat.....mostly meat's sliced super thin and you like rinse it in the thing above and it cooks very fast....

....and i am still the world's messiest eater......paiseh.

this is the subway line map of's still building more lines and by 2008 Beijing Olympics, i heard that more than 10 lines will be got 5 dee.....

and i tell you people something....Beijing people actually SPIT into the railway. Look closely, see those white patches next to the rail? Homosapiens saliva....DRIED.

BrianC would be happy....the First Generation Transformer Movie.....Special Edition.

Sonia, Italy is not the only place which sells gay movies. May i present you Chinese Version of Brokeback Mountain.....

This is 'Wang Fu Jing'....something like Beijing version of Bintang Walk la....sell all those 'in' thing...

i wanted to get this wonderful pair of god-like shoes....but can you believe it? Malaysia actually sells em cheaper! Bah....

Nike version of the China Terracota Army.....headless though.....

....and the beer there is cheap and GOOD....

Entrance to the Forbidden Palace....not so Forbidden anymore eh?? That's Chairman Mao in the picture....bald old dude....

Can you believe it? I was so excited to be in the Forbidden Palace and when i reached the main square....the bloody palace was UNDER RENOVATION. CBF! LEAVE THE GODDAMN PLACE ALONE LA!!!!

when i saw the construstion work going on.....i dulan gau gau....with WTF printed across my chest.

Me dad and cousin enjoying Beijing Roast Duck.....and sipping beer...again....

This is Beijing Zoo.....very erm......old-looking entrance.....

PANDA!!! CUTE,WARM,SNUGGLY PANDAS!!!! They were 5 of them in total. But heck, no luck again, they were all ASLEEP!

This is called the 'White Tower' ....apparently this building has no nails. It's held together by just it's wood structure....

.......and when i saw this statue.....(he's the dude who designed this temple)....

....i was forced to sit and the heck he built this tower with a dildo? (note statues hand)

Say hello to Great Wall of China...that's the Southern Wall, i snapped this pic on the northern side. was a VERY STEEP climb....that's my dad with the black backpack.....

Bye Great was nice riding you....erm i mean climb.

.....our usual hangout/rest spot....STARBUCKS!

....but i always order the juice...nicw what!

Below is the Lake of the Summer Palace....

and when i saw more steps and climbing........

i was like WTF!!!

This is the lake of Beijing favorite picture of all...

Ini adalah Beijing punya Library...........

i was very impressed......................


I found the missing spark

yes....i rekindled an old love.


I'm got the 'feel' again. Now, i play 10 songs in a row at home with no rest till i sweat like a tangki bocor. Feel high. Head Banging and everything.

It's the thing that gives you satisfaction.


I think i'm better than before. And i'm happy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

iPod. iLike.

yea....i've been thinking...blogger's such a bitch, uploads photos and videos at snail's pace. I've decided to post the photos of my trip to Beijing in Facebook or Friendster. So be sure to check, i'll be uploading real soon.

About Beijing....well....
The Good:
-they serve really GOOD food
-transportation is no problem. Abundant Taxi's and Buses. The underground train system is really chunted too
-tech stuff there is cheaper than m'sia
-great historical places and scenic views worth visiting
-i like the cold weather. Beats humid Malaysia
-ordering stuff online there is cheaper and you get your goods on the day you order. Fast man!

The Bad:
-Beijing people are VIOLENT drivers. Instead of people before car, it's the other way round. I nearly got killed erm......more than thrice.
-not all locals are friendly
-it is seriusly over-populated
-air quality there is worse than M'sia
-stuff there beside techies are WAY expensive than m'sia (who told me china stuff cheaper?)
-it IS over-over-populated...oh wait, i mentioned that already, scratch scratch...

That's about it. I went to most of the famous places in Beijing....The Forbidden Palace...the Summer Palace...Yong He Gong Lama Temple....The Great Wall....and a lot more.
AND the day i climbed Great Wall....the beauty pageants of 'Miss Universe' were there doing a shooting. Gawd....i saw Miss Austria, Miss Geneva, Miss Japan and Miss....some weird country name i forgot how to spell. PRETTY WEI!!!!!

Ok, yesterday went to watch 'The Kingdom' with Ah neh and nen nen. Not bad a movie. It's about black american FBI(jamie foxx) going to Saudi Arabia shooting up Ah neh's saudi arabian cousins. Gawd...i really was feeling high when those bastards yelling Allah Allah got shot down with more holes in 'em than a Swiss Cheese. Satisfaction......
Then went around OU kacau-ing pals working there. Let's see.....
Nyit Yang- Seed
Kaijie-Nike (lucky ass)
Kah Yan-Void
Shue Ze-Radioactive
Shu Xuan and Khai Ling- Quicksilver/Roxy
Kuih shih xuan and kapoh-Bakerzin

HAhaha....yea, after the movie we went bakerzin to have a drink. Shih Xuan and Kapoh standing there smiling and welcoming customers and then go around refilling water for people. HAHAHA
And they got fired that day coz they were under-age. Sad....

Speaking about work.....hopefully i'll be starting work also. My dad gave me a job working at one of his friend's Law Firm.

Yes, a law firm.

I'm not sure if i'll get paid. But hey! working in a law firm is a great experience!

Thanks to Elyse Kym for the super duper blog skin she made for me. I'm still figuring out how to use it. I'm HOPELESS with HTML. Help....

Oh yea....about my blog title...yes....


nice tak? 4GB.....

Monday, November 26, 2007

Home, and it is HOT!

Helooooo people, i'm finally back. Missed me? ><

Oh gawd. all i can say is Beijing was absolutely the BOMB! I'll blog about it soon, just gimme some time to organize the photos.

Racist video seems to be a hit. Wait till you people see the DOG video. Pissed my pants man.

Oh and btw, astin and lynnette, i am NOT gonna do your tags. bahaha...mafan la...

i've forgotten how humid Malaysia was. I was actually sweating inside KLIA. Damn, i miss the chilly weather.....

Signing off! Be back soon!

Friday, November 16, 2007

To Beijing

Yeap, technically, this might be my last post for now till i come back from Beijing. I might blog a bit when i'm at my cousin's place, but i might be too busy. See first.

Midnight flight to Beijing, can't believe i'm saying this...but i'm gonna do SHOPPING!!!!! Destintion:Beijing

Random picture before i sign off:

Random video recorded by sonia:

Sonia: Victor, how do you feel being a racist?

Victor: *splutters* i- im-actually not really a racist. I'm just a bit afraid of them. It's like see, 2 indian kids protected by this malay pontianak. See, the kids are molesting the bike. damn bad. She's coming at me!!! *runs* GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!