Saturday, May 5, 2007

POP-my-EYE, cause i hate it

ok, so we had our annual sports day today. Kinda boring, i mean, no 'Sports Day' mood, everyone(the spectators) looked so dead.....

Anyways, i'm starting things in the end, rewind to yesterday, Friday. Stayed back after school to watch over the marching practise, and get ready the costumes and what-nots for the march performance. Luckily Ee Lynn is so good in artwork, or else we would've died.

Made a cibai fucking big newspaper infested 'Shoes' for my mascot costumes.
Wait, did i mention the mascot is me? and the macsot is 'Popeye'????


so stayed overnight in school to help out with everything. Seriously, stayin overnight in school wasn't as fun as you thought. Elle, Huiyi, Wei Jiat and me were one of the few who stayed overnight. Then we sorta camped out in the MIDDLE of the bola jaring court. HAHA, spread out the sleeping bags and tried to get some 40 winks. But hor, lol, we just talked and talked, and crap and crap, and didn't manage to sleep. lol, talk a lot of shit........and DID a lot of crap stuff too. IT WAS SO CIBAI HOT AND STUFFY THAT NIGHT!

so, we sorta 'woke up' at around 4am in the morning. yawn, seriously, we were all yawning and drowsing around the school. aiya, but then how?

Did a few last minute marching practise, then COSTUME time!!! costumes weren't really that nice, but ok-looking la. THE FUCKING MASCOT PUNYA COSTUMES SUCKS!!!!! seriously, some kinda painted nylon sheet wrapped around my body, then stuffed a baby-float on my forearm to gimme 'muscles', then had to wear that friggin shoe! CIBAI! DAM GIGANTIC THE SHOE!!!!!!!!

You have no idea how hard was it for me to walk, let alone march. But as they say, the show must go on. After Biru punya performance, watched other rumah punya lor.....then stand under the hot sun lor.....listening to some idiot talk crap lor.....then go back khemah lor.....then do more shit lor......then.....

FINALLY! get to rest liao. I just literally ripped off the whole costume and went to chow down on some food. Damn tired la....EVERYONE WAS!

i didn't really take much pictures coz i was BUSY and TIRED!
well,later that day we learned that Biru got LAST in marching and SECOND for the Khemah, we suck........
that's that, i'll get more pictures from my other frenz.......

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