Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day? what about me?

sooo...yesterday celebrated mommy duh.
Guess what? My dad actaully bought a laptop for my mom!
A Laptop...LAPTOP! PC!!!

WHAT ABOUT ME??????????????????

then we went makan at our usual seafood restaurant. then on the way back, my dad was trying out his Evolution 7 speed...there a few sparrows on the tarmac floor....when we were coming...(speeding i guess) they began to scatter or fly away....but one poor bird....

i guess the car was too fast and the poor little dicken didn't have time to evade. It literally smashed into our windscreen in mid-air and spirralled all the way(still sideways) into the drain.

My mom was like: AIYO! why you didn't honk?

So at first i was like :poor bird....but for some insane reason, the way the bird 'splatted' on our windscreen and how it pivoted all the way into the drain....looked so comical....
then i began to grin...
then smile....
then guffawed....
then chuckled....
then i actaully began to giggle uncontrolably all the way home......

lol, i know, i sound like some kind of retard but damn, i just couldn't help myself....

Lesson: A bird is always slower than an Mitsubishi Evolution 7.5 GTA Lancer.

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