Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Endless Rain

yea people, you gotta go listen to this song Endless Rain by X-Japan. Very nice song.

Today's weather is so bright and sunny, not too hot and not too cold. There's a slight breeze and the trees are swaying so gently. I bet anyone will be happy to see this scene.

Wish i could say the same for myself.
I won't forget because i don't want to.
I don't want to let go because i don't want to.
I won't give up because i don't want to.
I'll try not to be too sad that's she's gone because i don't want to.......

Saturday, May 26, 2007

invisible tears

Silent Jealousy.....
i've lost the game.
I'll try not to feel sorry for myself.
Hope you'll be fine.
Hope i won't cry.......

Friday, May 25, 2007



i so hate myself for being so timid. maybe cause i don't what to say if she asks.

If i can dodge bullets as well as i dodge her questions, i think i can be a superhero.

Kill kill kill...........ME

I just couldn't resist...but

I have to post this and share it with anyone.
now before you get excited or curious of what am i about to post, it's just a lame shit thing that is suppose to make you laugh..........or get those islam people offended.

Courtesy Brian Loh

HAHA!! Our own Modern Nabi. (sorry brian if i rip off u taglines or whatever, but i still feel the insane urge to share this with everyone.)

So anyways, skippin about our buddy up there, today we had our Modern Maths and Chinese Essay paper. Maths was ok i guess........but then Chinese was like a killer man. I was sitting there looking like some kind of spastic retard. Seriously la, suddenly my vocab in chinese all dissapear. Didn't know how to write out the words. So screw-ish la......

Well....Holiday sudah start ler...BUT KNNCB! why catholic must always make us suffer de? Why do we have exams AFTER the holidays? tell me la, is it because their Kiasu or just plain sadistic?

You tell me la

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Living Without Me

hmmm.....i don't know about you evelyn, but to me, they don't look like at a verge of breaking up, instead it looks like it's gonna be a solid relationship. I should be happy for her, and not to be a 3rd party...

So, no more thinking of turning back. I just gotta be strong.

OK! so today, we had our BM and History paper. Man, BM i was like: WTF? why all the question i deno how write de?? sei lor...... Then i had to write pointless points in my essay. If i were to be able to rename my essay, it would be: Rise of BullShit-ology. sighh...

History paper was actually EASY for me!!! First time i'm saying this man! how cool is this? i actually STUDIED for this term, and i answered ALL the questions without even hesitating. I believe MOST of the answers are correct, and i'm definitely confident that i'll score at least 65 above.
I'm praying hard.

Day 2 of exams: End

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Leave out all the Rest

ok! so i admit it, i still like her. happy? sheesh, and for god sakes Evelyn, do you have to tell her EVERYTHING???? i just have no idea what to do on 20/6....

BIO was a killer man. What is Enzyme? State 4 industrial uses or something like that. I left that part....blank. well, partially blank since i wrote 2 lines which consists of total crap. and during the English paper, i was like zoning out man...got very erm.....not emo la.... but thought about lots of pointless shit. ( as i stress, it is not about porn)

I am not smart, but i read
i am not handsome, but i flirt
i am not a singer, but i yodel
i am no actor, but i make a fool of myself
i am no rapper, but i mutter incoherantly
i am no lover, but a pimp
i am sucky in basketball, but i play the game
i am tall, but ain't dominating
i am not emo, just thoughtful

How's that? HAHA! not my best, but hey! in only 15 mins i can crap like this liao.

Sigh, i ain't living up to my resolution. I still can't control my mouth. OK! to some degree, i have quieted down A BIT! But c'mon la, it's just so hard to break the habit. This proves i have no will power, but if push comes to shove, i'll pin clip my mouth shut if i have to. I gotta keep some kind of mantra in my head, like: I shall not talk. I shall not talk. This is a recorded msg, this is a recorded msg.......

See? i'm crapping again!!!!!!!!

ah well, to end this post, i'd like to dedicate this piece of lyric (from a song la) to all my friends.

When my time comes
Forget the wrongs
that i've done
help me leave behind
some reasons to be missed
So don't resent me
when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the Rest.
Leave out all the Rest.

Good Luck in your exams, peeps! Love from me!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Wake Up From The Inside

you know what? it's actaully kinda weird, but i think i'll just spit it out.

From the start of the year, more and more of my friends are beginning to hate me. So at first i was like: Fine man, go on and walk the other way! i thought they were the ones who changed.
But what i didn't realize that it's ME who's changing.

Let's try to get the picture:
Friend A in 2005(Form 2)
Li Chung's a nice guy to hang out with. He's a big friendly giant and makes me laugh like nuts. His interest in music is stupending.....etc etc.......

Friend A in 2007(Form 4)
That fat bastard. Can't keep quiet for more than 5 mins is it? talk so much lame crap, it's just so annoying!

Get it?
It's actaully funny, you know. It was a new friend i made this year who made me realize what i was to become. i guess i gotta thank her in a way???
I've made a resolution, i'll TRY (god please help, i am) to keep my mouth shut and talk less. I won't speak unless i'm spoken to. I will not sing randomly anymore as my song voice is getting worse by the year. I can't sing like i used to. So that's that.

haha, yea and another funny shit happened today. Yeeaun told me today that a rumour had spread in her class saying i'm her boyfriend.......

wait for it....and.....

c'mon man, no offence, but there is a significant difference in height. I'm not saying i don't like her because she's short, but it's just that we ain't gonna make a nice couple.
Yeeaun, don't worry, you're not short.

You're just short when you're next to me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Me Against The World

yeap, it's official. I'm no.1 guy to hate.

I don't really feel like gettin into details, but just so you 'Anti-victor' people out there know, i ain't gonna bow down to you.

I am Me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Minutes to Midnight

Damn, there is a reason why Linkin Park rocks my socks off!!!!!!

so i asked tuan hann to burn the album for me, since he downloaded it from the net. The songs have a new flair to them. (Don't worry, Chester is still screaming) Given Up is so dam CHUN! I LUV IT!!!!!

and u bastard tuan hann, added an extra song for me.
Hollaback Boy.

HAHAHAHAHA, you people gotta download that song man.....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day? what about me?

sooo...yesterday celebrated mommy day...like duh.
Guess what? My dad actaully bought a laptop for my mom!
A Laptop...LAPTOP! PC!!!

WHAT ABOUT ME??????????????????

then we went makan at our usual seafood restaurant. then on the way back, my dad was trying out his Evolution 7 speed...there a few sparrows on the tarmac floor....when we were coming...(speeding i guess) they began to scatter or fly away....but one poor bird....

i guess the car was too fast and the poor little dicken didn't have time to evade. It literally smashed into our windscreen in mid-air and spirralled all the way(still sideways) into the drain.

My mom was like: AIYO! why you didn't honk?

So at first i was like :poor bird....but for some insane reason, the way the bird 'splatted' on our windscreen and how it pivoted all the way into the drain....looked so comical....
then i began to grin...
then smile....
then guffawed....
then chuckled....
then i actaully began to giggle uncontrolably all the way home......

lol, i know, i sound like some kind of retard but damn, i just couldn't help myself....

Lesson: A bird is always slower than an Mitsubishi Evolution 7.5 GTA Lancer.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

i'm not like that....

seriously, why do people judge each other before they REALLY get to know each other?
why why why?


i'm really sick of it, sometimes it really hurts deep down inside. School friends, teachers,and now new to the list-FRIEND'S PUNYA PARENT????

omg...am i that hate-able?

I'm UP!

weee....i'm IU director for Interact club!

but it's hard work i guess......

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Movies anyone?

ok....so for the past few months i've been emo-ing. But this has got to stop, i'll have to revert myself back to the lame ass shit i am.

Select a movie and replace one of the words with 'Penis'

She's The Penis(Man)
V for Penis(Vendetta)
Bring Penis On(It)
Stomp The Penis(Yard)
Lord Of the Penis(Rings)
Star Penis(Wars)
Penisman Returns(Superman)
High School Penis(Musical)
Little Miss Penis(Sunshine)
Fantastic Penis(Four)
The Longest Penis(Yard)
Penis Girls(Dream)
Penis In Love(Shakespear)
Grid Iron Penis(Gang)
My Fair Penis(Lady)
White Penis(Chicks)
Penis Little(Chicken)
How to lose a Penis in 10 days(Guy)
The Penis wears Prada(Devil)
10 Things i Hate About Penis (You)
Teenage Mutant Penis Turtles(Ninja)
Fun with Dick and Penis(Jane)
You,Me and Penis(Dupree)
Penis Rider(Ghost)
Penis of the Carribean(Pirates)
The Golden Penis(Gun)
Million Dollar Penis(Babe)
Penis King(Lion)
The Sleeping Penis (Beauty)
Around the Penis in 80 Days(World)
Hollow Penis(Man)
Kill Penis(Bill)
My Big Fat Greek Penis(Wedding)
The House of Penis(Wax)
Penis Season(Open)
Penis Almighty(Bruce)
Scary Penis(Movie)
The Penises have Eyes(Hills)
Kungfu Penis(Hustle)

Sooooo......anyone wanna watch movie with me????

Monday, May 7, 2007

Twist Flick

sigh, should i be happy? or should i feel sad for her?
either way, it'll still bear the same result in the end, so i shall stick to my resolution and give up on this feeling.....

O-ho...today hor, yeeaun,jieyi and ee lynn kena call by Miss Lina....after that, they all looked so sombre...and yet they still won't tell me what happened. I'll find out from yeeaun soon....

And lastly.
Here is the Tribute to the Perished Tiger Biscuit Owned by Brian Loh.
tiger biscuit, wish you all the luck in the drain...
don't hate me please, even though it was I who made you fall into the 'longkang'. You are still a biscuit, if you're not eaten, then you have to go somewhere else, sooner or later.


Sunday, May 6, 2007

no one wants to know...

...but i still have to blog about it.

ok ok, i admit it! I'M JEALOUS! feeling damn down la now....i think my 'trauma' switch is turned on....dam EMO....this is definitely not me...but i can't help it....

I hate you and envy u, u asshole......you better make her happy or i'll crush ur balls....

Saturday, May 5, 2007

POP-my-EYE, cause i hate it

ok, so we had our annual sports day today. Kinda boring, i mean, no 'Sports Day' mood, everyone(the spectators) looked so dead.....

Anyways, i'm starting things in the end, rewind to yesterday, Friday. Stayed back after school to watch over the marching practise, and get ready the costumes and what-nots for the march performance. Luckily Ee Lynn is so good in artwork, or else we would've died.

Made a cibai fucking big newspaper infested 'Shoes' for my mascot costumes.
Wait, did i mention the mascot is me? and the macsot is 'Popeye'????


so stayed overnight in school to help out with everything. Seriously, stayin overnight in school wasn't as fun as you thought. Elle, Huiyi, Wei Jiat and me were one of the few who stayed overnight. Then we sorta camped out in the MIDDLE of the bola jaring court. HAHA, spread out the sleeping bags and tried to get some 40 winks. But hor, lol, we just talked and talked, and crap and crap, and didn't manage to sleep. lol, talk a lot of shit........and DID a lot of crap stuff too. IT WAS SO CIBAI HOT AND STUFFY THAT NIGHT!

so, we sorta 'woke up' at around 4am in the morning. yawn, seriously, we were all yawning and drowsing around the school. aiya, but then how?

Did a few last minute marching practise, then COSTUME time!!! costumes weren't really that nice, but ok-looking la. THE FUCKING MASCOT PUNYA COSTUMES SUCKS!!!!! seriously, some kinda painted nylon sheet wrapped around my body, then stuffed a baby-float on my forearm to gimme 'muscles', then had to wear that friggin shoe! CIBAI! DAM GIGANTIC THE SHOE!!!!!!!!

You have no idea how hard was it for me to walk, let alone march. But as they say, the show must go on. After Biru punya performance, watched other rumah punya lor.....then stand under the hot sun lor.....listening to some idiot talk crap lor.....then go back khemah lor.....then do more shit lor......then.....

FINALLY! get to rest liao. I just literally ripped off the whole costume and went to chow down on some food. Damn tired la....EVERYONE WAS!

i didn't really take much pictures coz i was BUSY and TIRED!
well,later that day we learned that Biru got LAST in marching and SECOND for the Khemah decorations.......man, we suck........
that's that, i'll get more pictures from my other frenz.......

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Scalped Scalp

dun ask me why i did it, let's just say i was feeling adventurous.

see? compare the old me with hair to the NOW me.......

hehe.....but somehow, my head feels strangely light.......

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Frus and Emo

I'm bloggin this coz im bored...
u gotta love these pics....

siiiiiighhhhhh.......i deno la, emo-ing isn't really me. I don't really get EMO! i just get.....blue and sad....
maybe i'm still stuck in the past, wishing that it won't end. But REGRET isn't on my list, and i definitely won't cry.
But....i deno how to say la....this song, these lyrics, express my feelings PERFECTLY! i swear, every single line, every single word is expressing me. As if this song was just made for me.
Only One- Yellow Card
Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason
I feel so broken up (so broken up)And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out
and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one
Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone
And something's breaking up (breaking up)I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out
and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one who gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one
Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone
(this part is absolutely me)
Here I go, scream my lungs out
and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
My only oneMy only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one

another one? puh-leeze.....

ok, so yesterday went for the B.O.D interview. Handed in my one page proposal? or should i say a resume? cause it looked more like that. ANYWAY! i can say the interview went OK, i guess....
So just when i was about to leave, they told me, do another proposal on a small event which is related to IU, hand in one friday.

ANOTHER ONE???? ARRRRGHHHH *faint with white foams coming out from mouth*

oh, and another funny shit thing happened yesterday. You guys know about the stupid recycling campaign held by LAS? 4S1, my class has proudly accumilated a total sum of newspaper: 0 kg!

and boy, we were laughing our heads off. when we were having maths period, out of the blue, Pn Tan Lin marched into our class(or should i say strut?)

Class: Good Morning, Pn Tan Lin

TL: Good morning, please be seated. (turns to miss ong) I'll just take 5 mins. (turns back to us) 4s1,a science class (glad you finally figured that out) i am really,really shocked and supirised of you. 0 kg of newspaper? I have already warned you during the last assembly, and yet you take no action? You sit there as if this event has no concern to you? ( well, like DUH!)

Benjamin(PKT): well, actually we have newspaper there, but we didn't bring down....

TL: that's not an excuse, you have 48 students in this class, and yet you can't even carry a few kg of newspaper down the the LAS room? ( well, we WOULD'VE, but it's really a pain in the @$$)

then she talked a lot of crap la, saying we fail miserably or some shit lidat. then.....
TL: SO, i want all of you to have a meeting and write me a letter on why you fail to participate in this event and how,in another way, can you people contribute to the school. No excuses, hand in the letter to me by next week.

WTF? that bitch! i'm glad she's retiring by August.

ok, gotta do my friggin proposal. i'm actually glad my dad is willing to help me out on this one.