Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chronicles of the Blue Penguins. Part 1.

Hahaha....ok full steam ahead with the penguin army. No more changes.

Went to school today. Taught the Penguins the formation and the dance. I love the Penguins, but God, they have to be the worst singers i've ever met. But they're still cute! hahaha...penguin march konon-nya.

Physics tuition. Rot my brain. I envy you Brian, skip whenever you want.
But i take consolation that my physics grades will be much, much more higher than yours.

Lack of pictures again. Forgive me, but i have no camera, and i'm lazy to like, snap pictures with my lousy phone camera, and take the time to upload them. So there.

Thinking very hard what to blog about now....

Ok fine, let's blog about what's going in my puny lil' brain.

It's scary.
If i had a dollar for everytime i say that
i'd probably have....well, maybe 29 bucks.

I swear i'm not flirting with her.

ok....stop giving me that look.
It's cute to flirt sometimes.
right? RIGHT?

But then,
i wonder why her?
I stopped myself from liking...well, that someone,
and when finally i thought i've got everything
in the bag
along came my feelings for you.

It's slighty different.
less intense but more demanding.
definitely more yummy.

Oh my,
the morning sms-es.
I scare myself too.
Oooo....lookie, another dollar.

I'll try to stop ok?

Me: Eh eh, Boyce Avenue punya singing damn orgasmic wei!
Cheryl: Huh? What's orgasmic? Tell me! Tell me!

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