Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chronicals of the Blue Penguins. Part 2 FINAL

Woohoo....what a day.
Let's do a lil back-trackking.

3rd May. 7.13pm.
went back to school after a quick bath and dinner at home. As usual, i'm the earliest to arrive, everyone was at home either bathing or sleeping. Weather was absolutely stuffy and humid. I was already sweating even before work started...
8.00pm ++
Good, the gang arrived. Some of us,(lazy type names la) were working on the penguin suits while the others went to the khemah to do the finishing touches. It was tremendously difficult to get those backdrops(made entirely out of newspapers) on the khemah. but we got it done. then, i went back to tapak to check out the penguin suits. I kept my own opinion to myself that night, but i couldn't tell it was a penguin suit from far. But i know you guys slavered hard on this one, so no complaints.

10pm ++
Terrence drove me to 7-11 to buy drinks. Withdrew another rm100 from my bank. My parents are so gonna kill me.

10 30pm
snuck to Ed Board room to...erm....relax a bit. sorry biru's, but a guy like me has to slack off a bit.

Biru Ex-Captain Soon Heng paid us biru a late visit. Sucker drives like orang gila. I went with him to A&W to 'tapau' some drinks for the peeps. I swear, i will never take a ride on his car anymore. After makan-ing and tapau, on the road back to school, we...HE took a wrong turning and off we were to KL. Instead of panicking, we laughed our heads off.

'Eh eh eh...there there! i see signboard say to Mount Kiara!'
'Sohai ar? go Kiara for what? Damn blardy far la...'
'Diu, better than KL right? gogogogo!'

So from Kiara, went to Uptown Damansara and winded up back to our place, AmanSuria/BU. Met an accident. NOT US! but a van and a Fairlady. Instead of the people who were hurt, but of us lamented the fate of the poor FairLady. Tsk tsk, kids these days, the way the drive. So after said so, off we flew from the accident at 140mph. Took us 1 whole hour to get back from Amcorp A&W back to CHS. We told the annoyed,waiting peeps we went to Singapore, then on the way back over-shot to Ipoh.

Tried to sleep, but damn hot, stuffy. I was sweating like Elephant pee-ing. Mosquitto bites didn't help the end, gave up sleeping.

4 30am
Penguins arrived. Dressed them up, painted their feet black. Genie was cool. haha. Damn lots of drama that morning. Did a bit last minute practise, and everyone commented they were CUTE.

Readied ourselves behind TNB. Gave the penguins last minute pep-talk to inject some spirit into them. took a lot of pics there but i don't have em.

8 30am
Sports day began. Lazy talk about it. But i was like a proud Father Penguin watching our Biru's march and dance.

took a short nap, couldn't tahan anymore.

1pm ++
We got overall...last. 5th place. Quite unexpected. Khemah got Fourth place, marching last. We were all....speechless.

But it's ok, we all did our best, and in our hearts, we all know we're no.1's! GOOD JOB BIRU! YOU GUYS ROCK!
Some pictures.

kapoh gonna kill me. heheh but they 2 damn cute kan?

uber gay moments. Kah joon and BrianL. BFF's.

yiping. SoonHeng.

the BIG biru family.

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