Saturday, May 31, 2008


ICC Supercamp 2008 Trolak, Perak. 24th-27th May. 4 Days 3 Nights of uber,super-duper,omwtfg, hallelujah, fan-flippin-tastic, exotic, orgasmic FUN!

haha, no. i'm not exaggerating.

24th May.

ok first, i was CBF dulan-ed and self-consious about my BAGno seriously, it's bigger than it looks. But who cares la. Had breakfast at Raju where i bumped into Choon Lim and Brandon from SAS. Then, went to fetch BrianC and arrived at Assunta around....erm....forgot la. Probably 9am++

Let pictures do the talking.

emo dudes.

this is kaijie a.k.a PikaJie. Playing Pokemon Silver on his cellphone.

this is Pikajie EMO-ing. coz his Cindaquil haven't learn Ember.

yea, we reached Trolak Resort, Perak around afternoon. The place was way outta my expectations. Instead of ulu-ulu hutan place, surprisingly, it looked....civilised. yea, but we were all damn happy to reach there la.

our room key. Ciku is the block. yes, Block. There are more than one block. Got Nipah and Pinang and etc etc. The block we were allocated to was the old one, the girls got the new one. Bummer. But still....check this out.

THE ROOM DAM HOTEL-ISH! GOT TV,CLOSET, MINI-FRIDGE,CLOSET AND KETTLE! Kaijie,seeing the TV there, dam haigei. He just flung off his shoe, crashed on MY bed, with eyes glued to the tube. Damn kid la he.

after checking in, we went back to the hall to be divided into our groups.

I was with Group Gimli. Yes yes, the theme for our Camp this year was LOTR. Lord of the Rings. And i'm the lil old grouchy dwarf, weilding his oh-so-large axe, hewing off Orcs necks. Happy me.

My fellow Gimli-ans were Carol, Nish, Pravind, Dorrice, Miriam(the cute one i like), Amal, Maria, Sri Ram, Kavish, Agi and Kyle. They are the best bunch of people you can ever meet, and it's such a pity we had so little time to know each other better. Oh well.

We had our first activity, PhotoHunt. Enjoyed myself thoroughly. Damn funny la the pictures, too bad i don't have em.


Later that night, some Olympic Torch Relayer/Anti-Smoking Campaign Dude Adrian Foo came to give us a talk about NOT smoking and yada-yada. Seriously, he damn attention-whore. I don't know how to say it, but the way he talks, walks, and....cocks just gives me the hibby-jibbies.

BrianC.....he's my best mate, but it was HORRIFYING to see him lose it. Won't talk about it, best let the ugly memories fade.

Then before we crashed, aku dan my new-found brother Kah Joon had MAN-to-MAN talk. We crapped all the way till 3am in the morning. HAHAHA i seriously enjoyed that talk.

25th May

River Rafting. Totally not my day. We started out with a 20 mins bus ride to Sungkai River with Team Legolas(kahjoon and cheryl). At least i learnt how to tie some basic knots, and if i ever get stuck on an island, i can save myself. =D.

So off we went in our little raft, with one of the guides with us(thank god). I gotta be the world's worst rafter, and Pravind was there to prove it.

'EH VICTOR! ROW THE OTHER WAY! wrong way! wrong way!'

15 mins later...

'Guys, we're getting to near the braches, swerve left-VICTOR MACHA! U ROWING WRONG WAY!'


Shit happens. And it had to happen to us. First, we lost a tube, it just exploded and poor Kavish, his expression was priceless, Carol and I couldn't stop laughing. Then, MY tube was coming loose, so technically, out of 5 tubes we had originally, we were floating on 3. Damn scary la wei, especially with the current so fast. And Carol lost he paddle.

Ok here's the most DULAN part. We hit this sand bunk under the bridge, just before our finishing point. Then Nish started screaming her head off. Just when i was about to ask why, the stench, this horrible, fucking smelly stench wafted up our noses. We were all belching and puking. DEAD DOG! A friggin dead dog, rotting and all, was there on the sand bunk. You should've seen us, screaming and yelling like Orang Utan gone wild. We got free, and so did the dog. It floated down the river....the river we were all waddling in. Oh gawd....

I was damn frigging pissed off that night. C'mon, my first river rafting, and THIS had to happen? Ergh. Screw shit.

BrianLOH a.k.a Ah Neh made new friends. By poking them. Yea, in theory it works this way: You just have to walk up to some random stranger, and start poking him/her at the arm. Keep poking until he/she talks to you. It work wonders.

That night, chilled at Cheryl and Huiyi's room. Did facial for BrianC and a few dudes.

this is PikaJie again. Reading gay magazine. He Haigei.

26th May

Jungle Trekking! Personally my favorite activity by far. It was physically challenging, and the teamwork between group Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli was amazing.

i didn't get my leech bite. =(that's Kah Joon sucking. Yea. Sucking. From Dwayne's Water Bag. Sucking real hard.

After Jungle Trekking. Flying Fox. My second favorite. Why second? 'cause i'm blardy hell afraid of heights. But i think i hid it well.

you have no idea how scared i was. The hardest part was jumping off. And if you thought that THAT was the worst that could happen to me....think again.

Yea, i lost my flying fox virginity. There was supposed to be this dude to pull a rope to slow us down when we get near the safety net. The guy did NOT for me, and so i RAMMED full force onto the net, with the wind knocked out of me and side bruised. Asshole. If you listen carefully, i was:

'OOOOOOooooOOOOOoooo....*getting near the net too fast* AHHHH! AHHH! Ahh-OOOF!'

Right on target. Sigh.

That night, Interactor's Night. Each group was required to do a small performance. Erm...if i had to be honest, BRUTALLY, i would say we were the worst group. Cheryl's group, Legolas, was the best. There was this joker dude Emmanuel, he totally cracked us up. Priceless man. After the so called talent night, after Rotarian Pua announced there would be no curfew that night, the lights went off. After a split second of darkness, swirling lights and disco neon lights engulfed us and the song 'Low' blared over-head. DISCO NIGHT BABAY!

Everyone had an awesome time dancing, i did too. Kaijie....that sneaky bastard, senyap-senyap go learn shuffling. He lanci me. Shuffle the night away. hahah. Congrats to Huiyi for winning the Best Female Dancer. After the dance, went to cheryl's room AGAIN and gave everyone free facial AGAIN.

27th May.

D-Day. Last Day. Kinda sad ya know. I felt so lucky, getting the chance to know so many wonderful people. Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors.

the flags of each group. United.

CHS at Supercamp.

I'll miss the days in Supercamp. One of the best times in my life. I'll never forget you guys.

P/S ppssttt....shhh, dun tell anyone, but i think i'm freakin myself out. You know that girl Miriam i mentioned up there? gawd, i found her Facebook and am staring at her pictures. OMG>>>>

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'll save it for,DULAN first

with a capital D.

my mom won't let me take my undang now.
she said she'll let me do it AFTER SPM.


which means, i can't drive and fetch my prom date to prom.

How wussy is that?


I'll update about the Supercamp soon la Yuevern. A lot of things to type, and it takes time, which i don't have NOW. I'll do it during the weekend. But here's a sneak peak.

yep yep. That's me up front. RAPPING. I bullshit you not. I was leading my team, Gimli, in this rap competition.

No doubt who clinched it. =]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To and Back Again

So ends the 4 day-3 night Supercamp at Trolak,Perak.

All i can say is: the bloody camp was frigging awesome and r0XX0R!!!

I'll blog about it as soon as i compile all the photos and notes.

Till then, this is a gentle reminder to all of you (and me):



p/s Gimli rocks

Friday, May 23, 2008

Better off than yesterday.

I'll be off-f-fa to Supercamp tomorrow. Trolak, Perak. =)

Decided that from now onwards, there will not be even ONE emo post here anymore. I've opened a secret blog to throw all the emo and negative posts in there.

So, let us all SMILE!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Musing...i guess

i wonder how many people in this world are in love with a person whom they can't ever be with?

Exams...ergh. I practically went into the examination hall totally unprepared. For NO APPARENT REASON, my chemistry 2 paper was quite blank....oh well.

Counter-Strike Fever. =]

i might be thinking too much,
i don't know.
When i go near her,
she's like frowning and grouchy.
Then i walk away.
and i look back,
she's happily chatting with her friends.

Woe to me. =[[

Bah, let's concentrate on exams first, shall we?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


my god, even my essay is now emo.

Oh shit, i'm seriously turning into a hopeless emo fag. I gotta stop before i turn into something like this.

c'mon,you don't even know you're the reason for all this??

Sunday, May 18, 2008


thanks to all my concerned friends.
yes, i admit.
i have been seriously emo
for the past few days.

But is it really a sin,
to be emo?
we can't be happy everyday,can we?
Reality and society makes
being happy forever literally impossible.
So emo-ing is just another way of saying:
'i'm still sane,
just slowing down,
to do some thinking.'

yes, i've been doing
tremendous amount of thinking.
And i've made a decision.

i'm going to tell her.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I forgot what title i wanted for this post

You know what?
i'm gettin friggin sick of this.
no, seriously.
I think,
i'm starting to hate you.

Coz of all the pain
and the loneliness
plus the bitterness,
i'm going through,
just because of you.

I'd like to get things over with.
You know,
maybe i'll tell you
what's been going on my mind,
what my heart feels.
if i receive rejection,
i can at least let my heart rest,
knowing that we're impossible.

But i chose to be silent.
Because i'm a chicken.
I can't face rejection,
especially from you.

Oh dear God,
it hurts so bad.

and now i can't even study.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Satisfied...or am I?

We rocked. Screw the mics and PA systems, we still rock. I don't care.

Thanks to all my kawans for all the crazy and wild support. You guys made me feel like a star today. haha.

Played drums for Jess's band. That was actually my first drum performance after taking up drums for so long. It I thoroughly enjoyed it, more than being vocals.


i tried to be happy ok?
It didn't work.
The worst you can do to me,
are not the words you say,
but the way,
you just ignored me.

all this heightened euphoria...
for what?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May i have your attention please?

Tomorrow's Teachers Day. Big Whoop.

i usually don't bother much about these dumb school events...but this year....


well, 4 of us actually. Mua, Ben, Brian and Thambi. We are like MBBT! lawl.

Venue: Sports Centre
Time: Deno la, when ah lean calls you to go, you go lor.

Please show us some support and cheer for us!

Now, i'd probably be perasan to say this, but since MY blog has like, more people reading it than our PROM blog, i'd like to use this opportunity to say:



been writing a lot in school today.
nope, not homework.
Emo-fied these few days,
sorry to all my kawans whom i offended
or pissed off.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Amusingly Weird

I wish you'd look at me that way
your beautiful eyes looking deep into mine
telling me more than any words could say
but you don't even know i'm alive
baby to you
all i am
is the invisible man.

Ok, i just freaked myself out today.
I was like singing some emo/love song to myself...
...and then i cried.

Didn't really bawl my eyes out, but you know, just a few teardrops.

I wiped my tears away, and then i just sat there, laughing my head off.

What an emotional guy i am.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Get me in the mood

You walked away
just like that.
I mean,
there is a certain level
where a guy can take his punishment
you know.

It's heart-wrenching
that you don't know.
and so
you don't even bother
to look at me
not even
an acknowledgement glance.

O sweet Jesus! Exams are just around the corner....1 week plus to be exact. And boy oh boy, have i studied or revised?



Monday, May 12, 2008

Heavy lids and a sinking heart

that's been 2 sleepless nights.
You keep invading my dreams.
Are you happy now?

No, wait.
you don't even know.
and i tend to keep it that way.
as long as possible.

i wonder why.
no,seriously, i do.
but the more i dwell on it,
the more questions i come up with.

i try to look at you
with friendly eyes.
but then,
i can't.
because i'm afraid
my gaze will betray me.

What i feel for you,
is different.
I kid you not.
i'm not saying this,
because i want to show
you vary from the rest.
But i'm saying this,
because that's what my heart is telling me.

Should i laugh?
Should i cry?
I love your pressence
but at the same time
i dread being near you.
Oh the pain of choices!
Wretched fool, shatter that glass!

I think i shall just
keep this charade going.
For i know, deep down,
you're just a phantom dream.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blue is so my colour

Biru party last night at i-ting's pad. It was a blast. Food was great. and i love i-ting's family.

But it's scary la(overused phrase.)
that little fact that was thrown at me
totally kaboosh-ed my party mood.

and as a result,
i turned blue(literally)
throughout the whole party.

I guess i was kinda glad to have that talk,
but on the other hand,
i wish i hadn't.

I'm living in the wacky world of the sit-com 'Friends'.
but can we all reach their happy ending?
Friends turned lovers?
Bah, reality sucks.

Friday, May 9, 2008


the revelations....
shocking, i say.

i won't say much.
it's their business.
my job is to just tease and ignite the spark that has been idle for too long.

Blue house party tomorrow. Dang. Plans to cook canceled. No ingredients. Making sandwiches instead.

C'mon, sandwich over pasta? Puh-leeze. sigh.

how can i say?
where do i start?
i'm not scared of being rejected,
it's the cost of confessing
that i'm afraid of.

Monday, May 5, 2008

i confuse myself

it's absolutely,downright disappointing.
why oh why,
do i have to fall for girls
who have either already a boyfriend
or a crush already?

Can't I just fall for someone
who is just simple and SINGLE?


To my best bitch, Sonia.


i have no excuse for my actions, just explainations. If you wanna hear it, i'll tell. If not, i hope you'll find somewhere in your maganimous and kinky heart to forgive me.

C'mon, i even let you make me get wasted. technically i wasn't drunk. But at least i was willing enough to act a fool for your camera.

won't be updating until further notice. Busy la wei. Mom wants me to lay off the computer for a while. SPM!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chronicals of the Blue Penguins. Part 2 FINAL

Woohoo....what a day.
Let's do a lil back-trackking.

3rd May. 7.13pm.
went back to school after a quick bath and dinner at home. As usual, i'm the earliest to arrive, everyone was at home either bathing or sleeping. Weather was absolutely stuffy and humid. I was already sweating even before work started...
8.00pm ++
Good, the gang arrived. Some of us,(lazy type names la) were working on the penguin suits while the others went to the khemah to do the finishing touches. It was tremendously difficult to get those backdrops(made entirely out of newspapers) on the khemah. but we got it done. then, i went back to tapak to check out the penguin suits. I kept my own opinion to myself that night, but i couldn't tell it was a penguin suit from far. But i know you guys slavered hard on this one, so no complaints.

10pm ++
Terrence drove me to 7-11 to buy drinks. Withdrew another rm100 from my bank. My parents are so gonna kill me.

10 30pm
snuck to Ed Board room to...erm....relax a bit. sorry biru's, but a guy like me has to slack off a bit.

Biru Ex-Captain Soon Heng paid us biru a late visit. Sucker drives like orang gila. I went with him to A&W to 'tapau' some drinks for the peeps. I swear, i will never take a ride on his car anymore. After makan-ing and tapau, on the road back to school, we...HE took a wrong turning and off we were to KL. Instead of panicking, we laughed our heads off.

'Eh eh eh...there there! i see signboard say to Mount Kiara!'
'Sohai ar? go Kiara for what? Damn blardy far la...'
'Diu, better than KL right? gogogogo!'

So from Kiara, went to Uptown Damansara and winded up back to our place, AmanSuria/BU. Met an accident. NOT US! but a van and a Fairlady. Instead of the people who were hurt, but of us lamented the fate of the poor FairLady. Tsk tsk, kids these days, the way the drive. So after said so, off we flew from the accident at 140mph. Took us 1 whole hour to get back from Amcorp A&W back to CHS. We told the annoyed,waiting peeps we went to Singapore, then on the way back over-shot to Ipoh.

Tried to sleep, but damn hot, stuffy. I was sweating like Elephant pee-ing. Mosquitto bites didn't help the end, gave up sleeping.

4 30am
Penguins arrived. Dressed them up, painted their feet black. Genie was cool. haha. Damn lots of drama that morning. Did a bit last minute practise, and everyone commented they were CUTE.

Readied ourselves behind TNB. Gave the penguins last minute pep-talk to inject some spirit into them. took a lot of pics there but i don't have em.

8 30am
Sports day began. Lazy talk about it. But i was like a proud Father Penguin watching our Biru's march and dance.

took a short nap, couldn't tahan anymore.

1pm ++
We got overall...last. 5th place. Quite unexpected. Khemah got Fourth place, marching last. We were all....speechless.

But it's ok, we all did our best, and in our hearts, we all know we're no.1's! GOOD JOB BIRU! YOU GUYS ROCK!
Some pictures.

kapoh gonna kill me. heheh but they 2 damn cute kan?

uber gay moments. Kah joon and BrianL. BFF's.

yiping. SoonHeng.

the BIG biru family.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chronicles of the Blue Penguins. Part 1.

Hahaha....ok full steam ahead with the penguin army. No more changes.

Went to school today. Taught the Penguins the formation and the dance. I love the Penguins, but God, they have to be the worst singers i've ever met. But they're still cute! hahaha...penguin march konon-nya.

Physics tuition. Rot my brain. I envy you Brian, skip whenever you want.
But i take consolation that my physics grades will be much, much more higher than yours.

Lack of pictures again. Forgive me, but i have no camera, and i'm lazy to like, snap pictures with my lousy phone camera, and take the time to upload them. So there.

Thinking very hard what to blog about now....

Ok fine, let's blog about what's going in my puny lil' brain.

It's scary.
If i had a dollar for everytime i say that
i'd probably have....well, maybe 29 bucks.

I swear i'm not flirting with her.

ok....stop giving me that look.
It's cute to flirt sometimes.
right? RIGHT?

But then,
i wonder why her?
I stopped myself from liking...well, that someone,
and when finally i thought i've got everything
in the bag
along came my feelings for you.

It's slighty different.
less intense but more demanding.
definitely more yummy.

Oh my,
the morning sms-es.
I scare myself too.
Oooo....lookie, another dollar.

I'll try to stop ok?

Me: Eh eh, Boyce Avenue punya singing damn orgasmic wei!
Cheryl: Huh? What's orgasmic? Tell me! Tell me!