Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'll just RANT!

Hell man, life's been taking one nocturnal turn for shit! Everything's going from bad to worse....

Sigh, showed my bloody report card to my parents. My dad was like scolding me like he wanted to disown me or some shit. C'mon la, first term only! This doesnt mean i can't go into U mar... now, i have to show him my homework everyday, and he wants to see all my teachers. WTF? oh yea, and i'm banned from the net, but who cares? i curi curi online la...like now.

Teachers all having PMS(female teachers la). Don't know why, but all of a sudden they're starting to use the blue card more frequently than they should. And sikit sikit ganggu, walau-a, SCREW you gau gau....Chan Yoke Bee is the one having severe case of PMS!

And i'm seriously having less and less friends. It's not that i'm perasan or anything but it's definitely true. If it's because of my attitude,then too bad for them. I am who i am. I won't pretend to be someone i'm not to fit into society. You don't like my loud, noisy and horny attitude? Well, sorry, but live with it or F*** off. I don't need 'friends' who whisper insults and dirty remarks about me behind my back. if you got a problem with me, tell me straight in my face, bastards....

Pif, i am seriously getting really stressed out here man! definitely, no doubt about that. How can an insecure, lonely, confused 16 year old ass like me get fraught with so many emotional PROBLEMS???????

Ahhh...but then just to be able to stand near her is already good enough for me. Her pressence just breathes life into me....(ewwww...that sounded so weird) Sorry marcus, i don't have the guts to confess to her , so stop urging me to. I can only like her in secret....and that's enough for me.

sigh, i just want real friends and a normal life...well, actually my life IS quite normal, just a bit stressed out....

Screw life man...i don't need this shit!!!!!!

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