Thursday, April 5, 2007

i won't say its a normal day

Well.....thursday, 5th april. Some not so ordinary things happened today i guess.
Woke up with a dry and scratchy throat. Then during PJK class, played basketball. Don't know what happened today, but i was exceptionally accurate or insanely lucky as all my shots had a 90 percent accuracy. OMFG?

Then, during biology, Pn See suddenly called me and gave me my report card back. Said my form 3 3rd term exam didnt let my parents sign. She said she called up my mom liao. i was like: WTF??? called my mom??? tat was totally unexpected. Wait till i let my mom see my report card, i got three 9G and a 8E....that can't be good........

And elle, for cryin out loud, don't be so impatient to start driving. This is what you get for driving without a drivers license. You drive-aholic and speed demon. Sheesh....


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