Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sun-burned Fun

Morning around 7 30am went to my pet sis, Vivian's house. After picking up Juliana, we went to SUNWAY LAGOON!!!

Met up with Kane, Dru and Sara at 9-ish. So after checking in our bags in the locker room and changed, off we went to enjoy the new revamped Sunway Lagoon.

It's been eight fuh-riggin long years since i went to the lagoon. My gawd, i was absolutely dumbfounded. The place changed so much. Everything is like damn chunted already. The story why i haven't touched that place for eight years was because back then, when i was a little boy, i was erm....'swimming' in the wave pool. So i was playing there when all of a sudden, i saw 2 pieces of black objects floating with the current towards ME.

Well, i thought, must be dried leaves or rubbish. Tsk tsk.

Upon close inspection.......


yes, it was SHIT. Human feaces. Black, hard, and roundishly long. The pure by-products of homosapiens.

So what could you do? I was running like a orang utan gila towards the shore, with the 2 pieces of shit 'chasing' me behind. Screw those bloody people who shit in the pool. WHO IN THE WORLD SHITS IN POOLZZZ????

if you PEE in it MAYBE still acceptable(though that still makes you a disgusting person), BUT SHIT! O' praise Lord......yech.

So back to the present, i had Juliana dragging me and Kane through all the rides. Dru and Sara were lovey-dovey all the way. Vivian wasn't feeling very well...but that all cleared up and soon we were running to catch rides after rides.

Stupid Ju, she totally dragged me to go for the Tomohawk 360 degrees ride. Cheebye....i tell you la, how would you enjoy the ride if:
1) you're afraid of heights yourself
2)the bloody ride stops in mid-air and your suspended UPSIDE DOWN for like...TWICE?
3) a pontianak screaming her head off next to you while complaining she needs to go PEE. (no prizes guessing who)

Aiya....after all those rides, we went to the wave pool (shudder) and the 'beach' pool to cool and chill off. Spent quite some time there fooling around with each other. (juliana, you must learn how to sit on my shoulder PROPERLY)

Selepas itu, we damn gau hungry liao. Changed into clothes that were dry for a change. Then pegi ke Sunway Pyramid , makan Pizza Hut. Gawd, when you're STARVING, everything just taste EXTRA good.....

Shortly after stuffing our faces full(we were all hungry, 30mins finish EVERYTHING), we went to the new arcade to kill time. Darn man....long time nvr play, my fucking shooting skills are worse than my driving skills. Deno how, i died in the first round of House of the Dead 4 and Time Crisis 3&4 when supposedly i can finish the game by myself with a few extra credits. OMG!!! I SUCK BIG TIME!

but on the other hand, i get the hang of drifting with an Auto. hehehehehehe

around 6-ish balik rumah. when reached home oni noticed i was sunburnt. Ow....

Tired now...lazy type liao....wan go crash. Sigining off.

P/S Thx for inviting me muimui, you da bez sis any guy could have. Love you loads. Mwahs!
P/P/S Ur Bday present gonna be a BIG one....=)

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