Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I'll temporarily stop blogging until exams are over....which is about next month.


When i come back, the first things i'll post about is the 30 Hour Famine Camp i went.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

I allow myself one emo post.

The things you say to me,
hurt me so bad.
I was hurt,angry.
But did i growl or bite back?
I swallowed it.
Every single word you say.
No doubt i wanted to ignore you.
But how can i?

Life is just like this.
The things you want,
just drift away from you.
No matter how hard you try,
no matter how much you give in,
still, it'll just laugh and after a bite of your ass,
it leaves.

No more.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I missed out a lot lately

let's see. I think i'm becoming quite a scatterbrain. I just don't mix well with dates or times.

Yesterday was free hugs day, and i didn't hug anyone. Hahaha

I totally forgotten bout my friends birthday. Sorry

I haven't study and i swear i've FORGOTTEN to.

Sigh, what is this? It's a friggin saturday and we have exams on that day? gimme a break. (well, i've had a lot of breaks, but i want more)

And it's Sept 11th. 911. Let us observe 5 mins silence for those who perished in the 911 ordeal.

ok, i can only keep 1 mins silence.
Let's just hope we can have peace more often. Sightings of Osama have been made. Well....in a way, i'm a bit glad he's back. Things are gettin dull here. Go wreck havoc Osama. (i'm such a baddie)

I don't know,
so i can't get close.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


well well well...i knew from the start that HSM isn't really that hyped-up as it was suppose to be. It is over-rated and lame.

But now, the biggest HSM scandal. Vanessa Hudgens. Baby V.
So many of my dudes love this b****. Lil' boys and girl think she is pretty and cute and a role model to singing. Gabriella they call her.
Well, too bad, that image of her is just a lie.
She is no more different than any celebrity today. She takes naked photos of herself. Haha...and it's leaked.

Hopefully this will spell the end of her career and reputation. Besides, she doesn't have the quality-looks and body shape- to be one anyways. To V.H, I hope you fall into a pile of shit and never resurface ever again.

Down with HSM i say.

Exams in less than 2 weeks, have you guyz hit the books yet? I haven't and i'm panicking....

Oh jeez, how do i start with you?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

We got rid of one

Yes, we chased away one....Pn Tan Lin....
but we have a new objective....
Operation 'Stop Lee Kim Lai from Becoming Principal'

Who's with me?

You're just clueless...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Spare me from all this Over-rated Musicals

O-mi-god....I can't believe my friends are actually into this shit.......

How can you like this? The songs are so.....well....just no-class.....and the acting sucks.
The cast.....well now...there's something to that.
Girls actually go Ga-Ga over this dude...
ok....to some degree he is still LOOK-ABLE.....but hey, how can you girls get so satisfied easily?
And nutcases like chee siong just love the Britney-wannabe Vanessa Hudgens. Eww...i don't like.

I have nothing much to say, HSM is just over-rated. Want good musicals? Watch Grease.

I'm free of sickness now. Alive and kicking it. Computer is back online too. Life's getting better.

Tell me, you still don't know...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

i'm suprised

well well....it seems my previous post has sparked some interesting comments. To all my dear friends, thank you for your comments and warnings. If i have to be clearer, i DO want those kerajaan people to see this. Then they'll understand my frustrationS. (yes, the s is there)

But of course, as much as i hate and love this guy( i've known him for like 7 years now) Yong Keenen, i would say he is exceptionally bright, and has a bright future ahead of him. As a rival and Angmoh(yes,angmoh keenen), i would say he is fugly and a fucktard.

Still, i would like to thank him for reviewing my post and giving his invaluable(and pointless) advise and comments. Please visit his sad blog and read about what he has to say. Yes keenen, i AM SORRY for not getting some facts right, but let me plead this excuse, i wasn't really planning what i wrote and i would say this is more of a RANT than a post. I never really intended to make it thought-provoking or shit like that. This is my blog, and i have the freedom to write what i like. Like it or hate it, screw you.

Yes i am a racist, and i'm glad that AT LEAST you agree on some points with me. maybe that's why we have been able to be friends for so long. Or else, i guess we could've been feuding rivals.

Just another Ho-Hum saturday. Neighbour's daughter is practising the piano. 'My heart will go on" by Celine Dion. My god, she's yodeling and screeching and screaming the song. My ears hurt.